Wednesday 10 October 2012

Chapter 1

Dylan Carter Exists.

...How many years has it been, since I last had a man? Two thousand and too many: that’s how long.

I’m so sure that all my Christmas wish lists have started and ended with the phrase; “Find me a decent man.”

But to give Santa a break, maybe his ERP system had crashed, and now the elves were suddenly fulfilling their long backlog of requests.

Who knows, I’ll probably be getting another boyfriend as a birthday present next month. Yippee!! I can hardly hide my excitement.

Now I don’t really care about the trail on my face as long as train tracks, as the heavy drops of tears gather to form a mini swimming pool on the elevator floor...

I am now officially confused...

It's quite funny how most ladies, who are single can't stop talking about their need to find a partner with the potential of him becoming "the one". On the other hand, I've heard several married women claim that single ladies are lucky to have their freedom without answering to any man.

I'll put up my hand to say that I've gone from being the leader of the "female singles movement", to being an individual, with a heart ready to love and be loved. So my question is this: "On whose side is the grass greener?" To be single or not to be single that is the ultimate question. What do you think?

Someone once said that she would rather have 5 men trying to get her attention than none at all. I find that I disagree with this mentality, because men are not shoes that you can easily walk into Dune, try on 10 pairs and select 2, with the option of getting a refund within 28 days.

If you are interested; the fact is that Dylan Carter does exist, and he's good-looking too. So stop praying for a million guys to chase after you, because when Santa's ERP system gets a reboot, you'll end up confused. 

Set your sights on one guy and one guy alone, with those characteristics that are in line with your principles and values, and go for it. Wouldn't you rather have a pair of comfortable shoes that you can wear with that priceless piece in your wardrobe, than a dozen shoes that don't coordinate and make your ankles ache?

Feel free to challenge...

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