Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chapter 2

Misconceptions and mind decay.

The mind is a powerful tool. When used constructively it could easily place you in Thomas Edison's league of inventors. However, when used foolishly the mind could cause your mouth to eject words that make you sound like a total idiot.

Take Chris for instance in Chapter 28;

‘Hey Nicole, busy week?’ Chris asked, settling into the chair opposite mine.

‘Yep, but I sure am looking forward to the weekend.’ I replied.

‘Have you got anything interesting lined up? You know, a bit of shopping, a quick flick?’ he asked.

‘Not this weekend. I’m going to be boring and spend the whole weekend in bed.’ I replied.

‘Come on now, that’s not boring if there’s someone in there with you.’ He said smugly; popping some mints into his mouth, to mask the strong smell of tobacco on his breath.

What a full blown pervert, if I ever did see one. I can’t believe he just uttered those words. I could smell the sweet whiff of dollar bills from a sexual harassment suit…

Why is it that as soon as a young lady steadily climbing the social ladder and thriving in the business world mentions the word, "bed", it's immediately associated with sex and not the God-granted rest that we're all entitled to?

Bare in mind that Miss Conception is pure fiction, but I found myself reliving that same chapter when I stepped into a taxi on my way to the train station.

The taxi driver who was quite rude from the minute I settled my perfect behind in his cab, immediately made it clear that if I intended spending the weekend in London, then I had plans to "rave till my bladder exploded with highly intoxicating substances". Aka go out clubbing till I'm drunk.

Now, I'm not angry at little errors such as people thinking I'm my nephew's mum when I'm with him, cos who wouldn't want to be the mother to such a cutie!

I was at a wedding a while back and during the reception no one from the opposite gender approached me till I picked up my goddaughter, and then out of the blue the logs fell with a bang out of this "gentleman's" eyes and he came over to "talk" to me.... I'll leave you all to draw your own conclusions. I actually found it quite amusing. Maybe "young mum" is a new fragrance sought after by all.

I'm also not angry when people think I'm half my age. Ok ok, maybe not half but at least 5 years younger. Trust me I still get asked for identification when buying vanilla essence in the supermarket. Talk about being strict!

So no, I'm not referring to innocent mistakes, I'm focusing on incorrect views and opinions based on faulty thinking or understanding.

To all my YHPL (Young & Highly Professional Ladies), I invite you to share your experiences of people's misconceptions about you. There is no guarantee that your offerings would lead to the invention of the iLight Bulb, but it sure will provide you the perfect avenue to have a good ol' whinge. :-)



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